I’ve been crazy busy recently and things aren’t likely to calm down until my gig at the end of this month. So I may not be able to blog as consistently as I would like until that time, but I will try my best.
Last year I was at my sister's birthday dinner. We went to this cool restaurant and I really liked the surrounding so I decided to take advantage of the moment and had some photos against the wall.
We also shot quick Fashion Fix video that I still haven't got round to editing. Anyway, it was lots of fun and the chefs and some of the customers seemed to find it all very entertaining. 
I'll be showing the rest of the photos as soon as I've finished editing them. Until then please bear with me. I'll be making a few changes to the overall look of my blog very soon. It's all very exciting!

Thanks for stopping by! New posts every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday!

Be BOLD! xx